Club Owners

Get the newest fitness industry trends, strategies and tips for health club owners and how they're redefining their clubs' performance and meeting the needs of the clients they service.



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Club Owners | Fitness Club Tips & Articles
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Get the newest fitness industry trends, strategies and tips for health club owners and how they're redefining their clubs' performance and meeting the needs of the clients they service.

Holiday season is your new opportunity

Submitted by Karol on Tue, 07/11/2017 - 15:11

Fitness industry is seasonal and that is a fact. Every gym owner or a manager will nod his head in agreement, especially after checking retention data and month to month customers flow. Each year we observe those hefty hordes of people marching to the gym to fulfill their New Year’s resolution, then we have spring wave with bikini project and we come back with after-holiday remorse. Noticing those strong trends doesn’t mean you should just let it go and leave your business to this flow. Be smart and make the calendar work for you.

8 good reasons to have an online booking system

Submitted by Karol on Mon, 06/26/2017 - 14:37

Having your  website and most probably several social media channels is so obvious that I should not even mention it. We live in the world of Internet and this is not going to change soon. Well it can get only more intense as we are trying to do more and more activities online. As you invest money in special management software to run your business and smart phone app to support it there is one crucial service that you need to make available i.e. the online reservation system. I may sound a bit crazy but check my 8 reasons to think it is a top necessity.

5 Tips to get your staff upselling

Submitted by Karol on Mon, 06/26/2017 - 14:27

Upselling is often described as a sales technique where a salesperson persuades a customer to purchase more expensive items, upgrades, or other add-ons inorder to have higher customer spend. Upselling usually is about recommending more profitable services or products but it can also be simply exposing the customer to other options which were not known andpreviously considered. Upselling implies selling something that is more profitable or otherwise preferable for the seller instead of the original sale.

5 reasons why you’re still failing as gym manager

Submitted by Karol on Tue, 06/06/2017 - 17:39

Everyone wants to be their own boss. Not everyone is aware of how much more work and sacrifice this actually means.

A gym owner or manager is the mastermind of all gym operations. His responsibilities shift day by day and include all sorts of tasks: teaching, training, hiring, firing and motivating people to increase revenue of the club. Above all a gym manages needs to control everything and everyone, anytime.

Fitness programs for older adults

Submitted by Karol on Tue, 06/06/2017 - 14:27



Did you know that there are more than 100.000 businesses in the North American Fitness Industry, which generate a total revenue of more than 30 Billion Dollars?


Of course you do. You are one of those, who contribute to this dynamic development.


Did you also know that the yearly change in population growth in the USA today is 0,73% and will drop to 0,61% by 2030? What does that mean for you? Quite a lot actually.


3 silent sales booster

Submitted by Karol on Tue, 06/06/2017 - 14:03

As a leading provider of gym management software, we know that by the end of the day even the smallest things matter: is your receptionist kind enough? Do you have intelligent equipment? Do you have a mobile app? Is your loyalty program actually generating loyalty? Are you responsive to members needs?

We call them silent sales boosters – small changes making big differences in an unpredictable world. Amongst all sales boosters we picked out the most inconspicuous.

4 types of gym customer personalities – how to work them in terms of sales

Submitted by Karol on Mon, 06/05/2017 - 13:26

In order to communicate betterpeople often subconsciously adapt their language to each other. They imitate each other’s way of speaking, their behavior, what they see, hear and feel while interacting with another person. Once people have adapted to each other it is much easier to find a common language.

Is your online enrollment system good enough?

Submitted by Karol on Mon, 06/05/2017 - 13:22

Although your health club has got the exact opening hours your business can be operating24 hours a day with an online booking. It allows your customers to take charge of their schedules and book from anywhere, at any time. Enabling online booking fills your classes and appointments resulting in more revenue for your business. Your customers are satisfied as they can plan their activities and be in control of their own time schedules. You are more flexible to their needs and can gain more future customerseasily. It’s a win-win situation for everyone.

3 digital must-haves to make your gym business go WOW

Submitted by Karol on Mon, 06/05/2017 - 13:19

If you expect here to see 3 completely new tools or platforms to use, I have to disappoint you. Nothing new and exciting has arrived to rock the scene. What I want to show you here is a very targeted, exact and even technical usage of some typical digital tools that some of you might consider dead. Don’t turn your back to classic tools. Just learn few tricks how to make them more effective than before.