Club Owners

Get the newest fitness industry trends, strategies and tips for health club owners and how they're redefining their clubs' performance and meeting the needs of the clients they service.



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Club Owners | Fitness Club Tips & Articles
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Get the newest fitness industry trends, strategies and tips for health club owners and how they're redefining their clubs' performance and meeting the needs of the clients they service.

How to improve effectiveness of the reception?

Submitted by Karol on Mon, 09/04/2017 - 15:17

There is a lot of work to be done at the fitness club reception. Registering entrances, allocating and receiving cabin keys, selling memberships, answering club members' questions, answering phone calls, replying to customer’s emails, enrolling members  for classes, up-selling services and items from the bar – these are main responsibilities of your reception staff, but not all.

Why should you invest in a trampoline workout?

Submitted by Karol on Mon, 09/04/2017 - 15:13

In times of thriving fitness industry, every owner or manager of a new or existing health club should ask themselves what is important in choosing a fitness club. What criteria are used by customers and how to diversify the offer to encourage members and potential customers to use their club? To be unique in terms of an offer it is necessary to take care of diversity and a wide range of group activities. Why group classes are so important?

Family offer – how to tackle it?

Submitted by Karol on Tue, 08/22/2017 - 21:18

For a long time, maybe this idea was growing and clarifying in your head: you want to aim your gym offer not only to individual customers but also to their families. Funny enough, trying to achieve such a goal you have to be aware that marketing to the whole family does not mean working with a single strategy but rather a few to choose from and simultaneously implement.

Singles – customers with huge potential

Submitted by Karol on Mon, 08/07/2017 - 14:13

As a gym manager or owner, you should not only be always up to date with the current fitness trends but also with the processes and phenomena happening in society. You may ask why with astonishment in your face but the answer is really straightforward: what is happening in society will affect your health club clientele in a long run. Observing closely all the trends and shifts will allow you to react smoothly and be prepared. I want to focus today on singles as they present a large group of our society and citing all reports their number will keep increasing.

Corporate wellness – a new potential for fitness business?

Submitted by Karol on Mon, 08/07/2017 - 13:53

All activities connected with taking care of employees’ health and general condition – both physical and mental – give a huge potential to the fitness industry. Equipment manufacturers, management software suppliers such as PerfectGym, health clubs and trainers have a lot to offer when it comes to this particular subject.

Coaching style – a new way of managing a fitness club

Submitted by Karol on Thu, 07/27/2017 - 18:18

The need of ongoing sales activities has been mentioned many times and it is always a topic raised on an industry meeting or conference. But is the subject fully understood and skillfully implemented in our health club? What is the role of any manager or owner in this area? How can he/she effectively support the team?

The so-called coaching style management means simply less authoritarian behavior

Biometric reader in the fitness club – a cool trend or a threat?

Submitted by Karol on Thu, 07/27/2017 - 17:58

New technologies are an on-going hot trend everywhere and fitness industry does not stay behind. Gyms and health clubs successfully implement many hi-tech solutions in their everyday running. Having management software like PerfectGym with integrated mobile app and online booking system became a standard. More and more improvements are used in an access control area due to general growing fitness popularity, higher customer frequency and higher effectiveness of a reception desk.

Fly high with aerial yoga classes

Submitted by Karol on Thu, 07/27/2017 - 17:50

A month ago in my home town one of yoga studios organized workshops on aerial yoga which is not present in my city and not much known in whole country. I started to askmy girlfriends if they would like to enroll with me but when I finally found one eager it turned out all the places for the workshops were booked in a just few hours. Ok, I lost this battle, but this could be a great motivation and clue for gym managers, owners and especially those working in yoga studios to dig deeper into this subject.

5 Tips for always perfect cycling classes

Submitted by Karol on Thu, 07/27/2017 - 17:39

Cycling classes and their popularity got much further than anyone expected I guess. With studios dedicated only for those type of classes, hi-tech equipment, crazy variations with disco lights and other extra features, it has many‘followers’ around the globe. I must admit I made very silly mistakes while participating in my first ever cycling class and quickly got discouraged.