New thinking – how to encourage creativity in your team

Submitted by Karol on Tue, 07/11/2017 - 15:58
Fitness business is specific when it comes to a company organization and untypical teamwork. If you want to encourage your people to step forward with new ideas you have to build a creative business culture. There are few rules which may come handy when struggling with this subject.
how to encourage creativity in your team

Fitness business is specific when it comes to a company organization and untypical teamwork. If you want to encourage your people to step forward with new ideas you have to build a creative business culture. There are few rules which may come handy when struggling with this subject.

Don’t think for your team

It’s an extremely important rule not only when leading team meetings but also when having ordinary conversations with your co-workers. Try to change your perspective from someone who is giving orders to a person asking for solutions. It is not that easy in real life. It will be hard at the beginning, require a lot of self-discipline andreminding how effectively post open questions can work. Simply stop telling your teammates what to do, just ask them for their opinions. But don’t ask as if they were at school, don’t be too bossy and try tobe more easy-going and open-minded. You could maybe try coaching approach. By the end of the day you will be surprisedhow diversified the answers you might be and that your team is really eager to work on new ideas.

Encourage with trust

This combination is simply necessary if you want to build a creative environment. Your team has to feel that the company is open for new ideas, that those ideas are important for your business and that they are regular part of running your business. Encourage employees to share their new solutions, ask for their opinion, search for answers within your team, look for possible new services etc. You will be amazed how inspiring and motivating this cooperationcould befor you. One important remark – creativity goes together with courage. You need to have guts to stand up and speak up for your new ideas. Teammates have to feel comfortable and secure as they present new ideas. It is always linked with a chance of being rejected or misunderstood. Nobody is going to bring forward any extra solution if people are scared, feel unsafe or could be laughed at.

Stand as one

Another crucial aspect of a creative fitness business is to have a good team, and not only a group of employed people who work together. This is the moment where investing i.e. 2 days and some extra funds have to be considered as a part of your strategy. Do not underestimate the power and importance of a team building process. A well-knit team means better communication, cooperation, results and, what is most essential, greater trust and sense of security – and this is the basis for  good work for every organization.  One of the ideas to strengthen bonds within the team is to organize meetings in smaller groupsoften, change the members and let those groups work on a specific task or a project. People start to work better and communicate moreonce they have common goal.


As a gym manager or an owner you should notice all creative behaviors, ideas and innovative thinking. It’s really worth to appreciate people even for looking for new solution and sharing it. Always emphasize the importance of their proactive attitude, guts to step forward with their idea and attempt to implement it. If any idea or solution will be finalized and will come into force, then you should definitely reward such a teammate or a group.