Club Owners

Get the newest fitness industry trends, strategies and tips for health club owners and how they're redefining their clubs' performance and meeting the needs of the clients they service.



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Club Owners | Fitness Club Tips & Articles
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Get the newest fitness industry trends, strategies and tips for health club owners and how they're redefining their clubs' performance and meeting the needs of the clients they service.

Franchising – hidden costs and some drawbacks

Submitted by Karol on Wed, 04/19/2017 - 17:03

If you have money, want to start your fitness business, do not have your own great idea but you feel confident about you plan – then starting a franchise I would say is a good idea. A strong product or service should defend itself and if a franchise concept is good enough you should be confident about quick growth of your business. This seems to be perfect solution and pretty safe investment overall. The costs of a franchise can vary depending on the fact if you are buying a part of the concept or the whole thing and also the expectations from the franchising side.

New technologies that support retention

Submitted by Karol on Tue, 04/11/2017 - 13:57

Integrating technology into your health club strategy can enhance member retention and the club revenue. To start off you need to identify your market segmentation in order to use the technology in an effective way. Knowing who your customers are is crucial while implementing fitness-targeted technology. Equipped with the knowledge about your members check what high-tech opportunities  there are for you.

Do not fear!

Submitted by Karol on Mon, 04/10/2017 - 18:17

Generally speaking, we all need an extra stimulation in order to take some action. Fear is one of such impulses, and to some extent, although we may not like this idea, it is really highly appreciated and needed. But fear has a very bad side too – it can paralyze and stop you from doing anything. People react in different ways while facing fear but, without a doubt, it can cause problems and may hurt your business.

Build a community around your gym

Submitted by Karol on Sun, 03/19/2017 - 14:27

Let me just start by saying that this article is not going to talk about HOW to organize a boot camp. This is a pretty long story but before you start preparing one – if you are still hesitating – then you should definitely read this. Running a fitness boot camp is always a good idea. But it is especially a good idea right now.  Here are a few reasons why you should get your next boot camp organized as soon as possible.

Fitness trends – outlook and ways to implement them into your business

Submitted by Karol on Mon, 03/06/2017 - 14:19

Every year brings something new in terms of fads and hot topics but here, we would like to focus on strong, continuing trends which keep developing and expanding in the fitness world. All of them can have an impact on your gym business in different areas and in different scope. Check our list and decide where you can jump on the bandwagon.

How to survive PEAK season

Submitted by Karol on Wed, 03/01/2017 - 12:07

This is going to be tough, we’ve seen it all - the eye-rolling, the foot-tapping of gym users who ae waiting in line for the cardio machine and grimly stare at the clock. This scene is all too common during peak season at any gym. The lines for the treadmills and elliptical machines get longer and longer, and the group exercise classes get more and more crowded. The good news is that we have some extremely practical tips that you as a owner or manager can take to prevent these situations and therefore help members remain satisfied.

Make Your customers happy

Submitted by Karol on Sat, 02/25/2017 - 02:00

You might consider it boring but I will repeat myself again – February is a love month and we cannot do anything about it, expect for benefiting from it. If you have not changed your promotion strategy with the New Year, then February is a great moment to try out something new in this area and see if it works out for you. During a normal working day, you probably struggle with off peak hours. So let’s address this issue with a happy hours promotion and at the same time, show some love for new customers!

Show some love to your regular customers during love month

Submitted by Karol on Mon, 02/20/2017 - 02:00

February is full of love, hearts, red colors and not only till 14th, nowadays. This is why I would even take a risk to say February is a love month as such. It is not difficult to come up with ideas how to gain new members on such occasions as Valentine’s Day but the real big deal is to make your regular customers happy. The last thing you want to see is a sad face of a loyal customer standing next to a new member signing a much better deal than they had.

Expand your horizons – host seminars at your gym

Submitted by Karol on Wed, 02/15/2017 - 14:24

I was doing my typical cardio workout on a treadmill and I was searching for something to stare at when my eyes caught sight of this poster advertising an upcoming seminar dedicated to nutrition and food supplements for people who trained a lot. The price was reasonable, duration about 3-4 hours, during weekend and there were a few well-known food supplements brands mentioned as sponsors. At this point, I really started to analyze not only this particular seminar, but the whole idea of organizing such events and what it can bring to the gym business.