After hours

Need some fun ideas on how to engage your members outside of the gym? Our after hours blog can help you strategize on engagement activities for when your members aren't training.



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After hours | Fitness Club Tips & Articles
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Need some fun ideas on how to engage your members outside of the gym? Our after hours blog can help you strategize on engagement activities for when your members aren't training.

How to measure retention?

Submitted by Karol on Thu, 05/04/2017 - 15:12

I would always believe that doing business is a mix of talent, intuition, luck and of course knowledge. As the first three either you have or not, the last one is a matter of time and hard work. Know-how comes with experience you gain over the time, with training, workshops and analysis. You may like it or not but without hard data you cannot manage and grow your business. You have probably learned tough lesson that some numbers may say two different things depending on how you read them. This may lead to completely contradicting conclusions and can seriously affect your business strategy.

The importance of loyalty at your gym

Submitted by Karol on Wed, 04/19/2017 - 17:19

At first, you may think this topic is not really for you and you can skip it. You are focused on selling so in other words on obtaining new members in a highly competitive market. You can observe dynamic growth both in total members number and overall sales. What is crucial is the fact that this situation won’t last forever and in a more mature market, you have to start considering new tools and cooperation with existing customers.

Franchising – hidden costs and some drawbacks

Submitted by Karol on Wed, 04/19/2017 - 17:03

If you have money, want to start your fitness business, do not have your own great idea but you feel confident about you plan – then starting a franchise I would say is a good idea. A strong product or service should defend itself and if a franchise concept is good enough you should be confident about quick growth of your business. This seems to be perfect solution and pretty safe investment overall. The costs of a franchise can vary depending on the fact if you are buying a part of the concept or the whole thing and also the expectations from the franchising side.

New technologies that support retention

Submitted by Karol on Tue, 04/11/2017 - 13:57

Integrating technology into your health club strategy can enhance member retention and the club revenue. To start off you need to identify your market segmentation in order to use the technology in an effective way. Knowing who your customers are is crucial while implementing fitness-targeted technology. Equipped with the knowledge about your members check what high-tech opportunities  there are for you.

Tips on how to measure your success in your gym management software

Submitted by Karol on Tue, 04/11/2017 - 13:36

Implementing a gym management software to your business strategy is a great way to help to run and continuously grow your successful health club. When you are looking for a gym software program for your fitness center there are some of the key features you should look for and evaluate. Every club owner and manager wants to keep the track of all the aspects of their facility and this is why being able to receive and monitor regular reports to track important numbers and figures is a must.

Do not fear!

Submitted by Karol on Mon, 04/10/2017 - 18:17

Generally speaking, we all need an extra stimulation in order to take some action. Fear is one of such impulses, and to some extent, although we may not like this idea, it is really highly appreciated and needed. But fear has a very bad side too – it can paralyze and stop you from doing anything. People react in different ways while facing fear but, without a doubt, it can cause problems and may hurt your business.

Make Your customers happy

Submitted by Karol on Sat, 02/25/2017 - 02:00

You might consider it boring but I will repeat myself again – February is a love month and we cannot do anything about it, expect for benefiting from it. If you have not changed your promotion strategy with the New Year, then February is a great moment to try out something new in this area and see if it works out for you. During a normal working day, you probably struggle with off peak hours. So let’s address this issue with a happy hours promotion and at the same time, show some love for new customers!

Show some love to your regular customers during love month

Submitted by Karol on Mon, 02/20/2017 - 02:00

February is full of love, hearts, red colors and not only till 14th, nowadays. This is why I would even take a risk to say February is a love month as such. It is not difficult to come up with ideas how to gain new members on such occasions as Valentine’s Day but the real big deal is to make your regular customers happy. The last thing you want to see is a sad face of a loyal customer standing next to a new member signing a much better deal than they had.

Why Your Pricing Strategy Needs Re-thinking

Submitted by Karol on Mon, 02/06/2017 - 02:00

The recent opening of a well-known fitness chain in my city caught my attention in the subject of pricing and membership. Convincing customers to try out a new product or service is certainly a challenging task for marketers and gym business owners. This is why gym business is even tougher as it has to tackle customer’s reluctance to commit through a membership and contract. Some pricing strategies will work for bigger volume gyms; some will be more suitable for boutique clubs.

Why your coaching staff needs constant training?

Submitted by Karol on Fri, 02/03/2017 - 02:00

There is a common belief that people really do make places. At the end of the day, we like to visit a specific hairdresser or gym not only because we like the building or interior design, but mainly because we like the people who work or we can meet there. This is why your coaching staff is of such a great importance and can be a major factor towards your success. If you want to see full time schedules of your personal trainers and fully booked classes in your gym management software, you have to make sure that you have the right people in the right place.