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Sprawdź najnowsze funkcje na platformie systemu Perfect Gym oraz dowiedz się jakie korzyści mogą przynieść dla Twojej siłowni albo klubu fitness.



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Nowe Funkcje | Porady i artykuły dotyczące klubów fitness
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Sprawdź najnowsze funkcje na platformie systemu Perfect Gym oraz dowiedz się jakie korzyści mogą przynieść dla Twojej siłowni albo klubu fitness.

3 kluczowe czynniki, które zwiększą motywację Twoich klientów

Dodane przez Karol - pon., 10/30/2017 - 17:54

Motywacja klienta - temat, który spędza sen z powiek właścicielom siłowni, menedżerom, trenerom personalnym i instruktorom grupowym. Jak sprawić, by Twoi klienci "chcieli" ćwiczyć? I nie chodzi o to, żeby chcieli "tylko" ćwiczyć. Twoim celem jest to, by naprawdę CHCIELI ćwiczyć regularnie, przez cały rok, w tym konkretnym klubie, z tym konkretnym trenerem i płacić za to odpowiednie pieniądze.

3 reasons why you should not mix cross fit with circuit training

Dodane przez Karol - pt., 10/20/2017 - 18:55

Everyone gets ready, we are going to a have fight here. I am more than sure! This is a topic that comes across often during workshops, industry discussions or the opinion sharing. Cross fit has become a very popular sports activity, which awakens mixed emotions all around. You can freely say that cross fit exercises have as many diehard fans as opponents. However, anyone who had the opportunity to be more interested in a subject and has bit broader knowledge could see that at first sight exercises of this type look very much like those offered by classic circuit training.

4 types of training you can offer to indoor cycling fans

Dodane przez Karol - wt., 09/19/2017 - 17:43

If you are one of those people who consider indoor cycling as a mundane, repetitive, mindless workout with head-banging music and flashy lights, I have to disappoint you in a way. There is a lot of technique and real knowledge about anatomy involved and you will be surprised how actually we can subdivide spinning group classes. This know-how is crucial for the trainer and you as the gym owner or manager, as after some point every class attendee will ask himself – what do I want from those classes? What more can I get from it? What do I want to achieve?

Understand Pilates – what is it all about and what does it look nowadays?

Dodane przez Karol - pon., 09/04/2017 - 15:29


In today's world where people try to findquick and effective ways to get a healthy, beautiful and athletic body, the world in which everything is commercialized and social media and colorful magazines dictate  fashion for an active lifestyle, mania for morning jogging and CrossFit fever, somewhere out there, hidden in a dark corner stands and waits Pilates. Classic, non-commercial, in its pure form.Unfortunately, consumerism and the commercial approach to exercise developed by Mr.

6 trendy classes all about FUN

Dodane przez Karol - pon., 09/04/2017 - 15:24

I have heard many times people saying that jogging is boring and a gym is only for body builders and there is generally no fun in those workouts. Honestly, if you think of some types of hard training it is difficult to find an easy motivation for people to join in. And I opt for activities that bring you not only great results, but happy faces and big smiles. Luckily enough, fitness industry is all about diversity and uncompromising development. Market is flooded with new workout ideas and routines. Some of them will last shortly, some will definitely stay with us for longer.

Importance of music for group classes (especially among young customers)

Dodane przez Karol - wt., 08/22/2017 - 21:24

The topic of retention seems to be a never-ending story and it is one of those things that keep marketing specialists awake at night. Marketers and salespeople who work in the fitness industry often treat this subject in a superficial manner. Trying to get results in the shortest possible time they focus on simple repetition of purchases by customers which leads to net profit directly. But only this. Customer loyalty, however, is more complex and multifaceted, and looking at the behaviour of young people, it is even more complex.

Pikantne rzeczy, których nie wiedziałeś o swoich klientach

Dodane przez Karol - wt., 06/06/2017 - 13:19

Pamiętam moje ostatnie wakacje all inclusive. Obiecałem sobie, że nie przytyję, więc codziennie chodziłem na siłownię. Wtedy właśnie odkryłem, jak wiele różnych osobliwości można tam znaleźć. Podzieliłem je na kategorie. Oto, czego możesz się nauczyć z moich odkryć.


Ten typ użytkownika zazwyczaj wygląda na zagubionego i nie jest wystarczająco pewny siebie. Jest to typ klienta, który potrzebuje porady i do którego personel siłowni powinien zwracać się bezpośrednio. Jest to bardzo obiecujący klubowicz, który może być bardzo lojalny.

4 types of gym customer personalities – how to work them in terms of sales

Dodane przez Karol - pon., 06/05/2017 - 13:26

In order to communicate betterpeople often subconsciously adapt their language to each other. They imitate each other’s way of speaking, their behavior, what they see, hear and feel while interacting with another person. Once people have adapted to each other it is much easier to find a common language.

Group class instructor – only a trainer or already an account manager?

Dodane przez Karol - wt., 05/30/2017 - 14:15

I often have to argue with an opinion that a good group class instructor is the one with huge theoretical knowledge, having many courses and workshops diplomas and being just an expert in what he/she is training. Many assume that those are key elements to say that this person is the right one on this position and fulfills his responsibilities in the best way possible and, of course, will have always classes full of people. The reality might be completely different.

Catch new members with special intro offer

Dodane przez Karol - pt., 05/26/2017 - 16:49

Going to the gym is not only about working out anymore. As emphasized many times while discussing different subjects, it is more about socializing, building one’s self- confidence and showing the way of life. Different people are on different stages while working towards their fitness goals. While creating motivational environment at your health club you stimulate a regular customer, you have to think of possessing new potential members.