New features

Sprawdź najnowsze funkcje na platformie systemu Perfect Gym oraz dowiedz się jakie korzyści mogą przynieść dla Twojej siłowni albo klubu fitness.



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Nowe Funkcje | Porady i artykuły dotyczące klubów fitness
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Sprawdź najnowsze funkcje na platformie systemu Perfect Gym oraz dowiedz się jakie korzyści mogą przynieść dla Twojej siłowni albo klubu fitness.

Is technology killing personal training market?

Dodane przez Karol - śr., 04/19/2017 - 17:28

Video killed the radio star went the song and can we chant it again about PT this time? The personal training industry has changed for sure over the past few years and is nothing like it used to be. Two main reasons for the change are: wearable tech like smart watches and all kinds of fitness gurus present on the Internet, especially social media and YouTube. Wearable tech was predicted as one of the top fitness trends for the year and so it happened. Moreover, fitness tech is becoming smarter every day with more functions and possibilities.

How to make your boot camps a great success

Dodane przez Karol - wt., 04/11/2017 - 12:17

Boot camp is a great health club offer extension and if you already decided you want to make this next step then read this article carefully. I want to share with you some tips on how to make your boot camps unique so that you can really build something more upon them and of course, increase your revenues. I would like to cover information on how to find the best location, how to target potential customers and lastly,how to set a class schedule.

Communication channels to reach your members

Dodane przez Karol - pon., 04/10/2017 - 18:26

We choose our fitness centre because of a few reasons. We sign up as members and we start to build a relationship. Both the club and us would prefer it to be a long- term relationship with many benefits that it can bring over the time. We would love our gym to take care of us – have good membership deals, special offers for regular customers, organize boot camps and workshops. We would pay back with high attendance, bringing new members and spending money on extra services such as a bar, personal training and massages. As in any relationship we need to talk to share our views and opinions.

Zbuduj społeczność wokół swojej siłowni

Dodane przez Karol - ndz., 03/19/2017 - 14:27

Pozwól mi tylko zacząć od tego, że ten artykuł nie będzie mówił o tym, JAK zorganizować obóz. Jest to dość długa historia, ale zanim zaczniesz przygotowywać jeden - jeśli nadal się wahasz - to zdecydowanie powinieneś to przeczytać. Prowadzenie boot obozu fitness jest zawsze dobrym pomysłem. Ale jest to szczególnie dobry pomysł właśnie teraz. Oto kilka powodów, dla których powinieneś jak najszybciej zorganizować swój kolejny boot camp.

Bring in new members with new trends in yoga classes

Dodane przez Karol - pon., 01/09/2017 - 02:00

People thrive for new things and trends those days and you cannot deny it. As a matter of fact, people live life way too fast, in a hectic manner, always busy so experiencing something new and fresh is their thing. Stressful and often hostile environment pushes many to try boxing as a great stress relief workout routine. Others, on the contrary, look for mental workouts as a perfect way to find their balance. Yoga classes have invariably been occupying the list of top activities for many years, but this does not mean there are no small upgrades or alterations to such classes.