
Find the latest workout and training tips for your clients to implement in your club's training programs and recommendations. The fitness industry is always evolving; get the latest trends here.



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Find the latest workout and training tips for your clients to implement in your club's training programs and recommendations. The fitness industry is always evolving; get the latest trends here.

Fitness Trends for 2019

Submitted by Laura on Mon, 12/31/2018 - 11:59

2018 hosted a wealth of developments in fitness for consumers, professionals, and establishments within the fitness industry, and this progress shows no signs of slowing down any time soon.

With 2019 already here, new trends and opportunities within fitness are going to redefine the industry, making health and wellness goals more attainable than ever before.

Here’s a quick look at fitness and wellness trends we can expect in 2019, and how fitness clubs should prepare for them.

How to Open a Gym

Submitted by Laura on Thu, 11/22/2018 - 16:18

It takes a special kind of person to dream about opening their own fitness club. Some may say these people are passionate, some may say crazy, and honestly, those two things are probably true. 

How to Motivate Your Gym Members for Better Retention

Submitted by Adam on Mon, 04/09/2018 - 13:28

It’s no secret that the primary reason for gym members canceling their contracts is a lack of motivation. 

Research suggests that 50% of people starting an exercise program will drop out in the first six months. Now if that were the actual retention rate for your club on a monthly basis, you would have a problem. 

One of the biggest reasons as to why people drop out of various exercise programs are a lack of motivation

How to Price your Gym

Submitted by Karol on Sun, 02/04/2018 - 17:58

Traditionally, gyms were separated into two established pricing categories: budget gym and elite fitness clubs, leaving these two genres to price themselves according to the categorization. 

However, since fitness clubs have expanded to include so many different types of experiences, pricing options and strategies have changed to match this transition. 

Membership fees now vary in styles (time-fixed price for unlimited use, pay-by-class, optional pricing for access at different times of day, etc).

Insanity vs HIIT – Which Workout Burns More Fat?

Submitted by Laura on Tue, 01/23/2018 - 19:30

Insanity and HIIT: if you have stepped into a gym sometime in the last five years, you’ve probably overheard these terms in conversations. Maybe you’ve seen them as names on your gym’s class lists. Maybe you’re like me and have experience with both workouts (and hate them), but can’t really tell a difference. But what exactly are these workout programs, and more importantly, which one is better for fat loss?