Club Owners

Get the newest fitness industry trends, strategies and tips for health club owners and how they're redefining their clubs' performance and meeting the needs of the clients they service.



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Club Owners | Fitness Club Tips & Articles
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Get the newest fitness industry trends, strategies and tips for health club owners and how they're redefining their clubs' performance and meeting the needs of the clients they service.

Increasing Fitness Club Retention with Automation

Submitted by Adam on Mon, 05/14/2018 - 14:31

Automation is quickly becoming a must-have in today's digital world. 

Anytime you book a flight, make a payment, or create an account online, you’re given an automated response via email, text, or push notification to confirm the action you’ve taken.

These types of automated responses are more for client satisfaction and streamlining the needed communication flow between client and vendor. They keep it fairly simple.

However, when using automation for retention, these campaigns take on a far more complex nature in that they have to be:

Business Intelligence: Using Machine Learning for Retention

Submitted by Adam on Mon, 04/09/2018 - 14:13

If I were to ask you what the biggest factors for members leaving your gym were, what would you tell me? 

It’s usually a combination of different factors, most of which are never spoken about out loud or mentioned in exit surveys by members. 

Most of the time though, it’s simply a loss in motivation. 

While there is no metric for measuring a loss in motivation, there are a ton of factors that members display--even unconsciously--that can let you know that they’re losing motivation or are at-risk to churn. 

How to Motivate Your Gym Members for Better Retention

Submitted by Adam on Mon, 04/09/2018 - 13:28

It’s no secret that the primary reason for gym members canceling their contracts is a lack of motivation. 

Research suggests that 50% of people starting an exercise program will drop out in the first six months. Now if that were the actual retention rate for your club on a monthly basis, you would have a problem. 

One of the biggest reasons as to why people drop out of various exercise programs are a lack of motivation

How to Increase Gym Member Retention: Strategies & Tips

Submitted by Adam on Fri, 04/06/2018 - 18:41


It’s the most frustrating question in the fitness industry: once you get members to join, how do you retain them?

After all, increasing your gym member retention rates is a sure way to drive up revenue. According to a study conducted at Harvard Business Review, acquiring a new client is anywhere from 5-25 times more expensive than retaining an existing one.

Re-think your loyalty program

Submitted by Karol on Wed, 02/28/2018 - 18:06

In today's highly competitive fitness market, entrepreneurs are trying to find the most profitable way to accelerate the growth of their business. Recently, in the fitness sector, you can notice a lot of different types of loyalty programs. Not everyone, however, realizes that a poorly designed program costs significantly more and provides much less than you might think.

How can CrossFit Studio or Fitness Club benefit from social media?

Submitted by Karol on Wed, 02/28/2018 - 17:54

The subject of marketing communication for fitness industry, in my opinion, can be treated individually because of its specificity. It is crucial to first answer some basic questions like in which areas sport facilities can use social media. For what purposes crossfit boxes and gyms use Facebook activities? What can they achieve thanks to them? Without a doubt, it is the foundation of building a proper strategy for social media activities. It is not enough to say "everyone is on Facebook, we also have to be!".

Clienting – how to successfully manage customer relationships lesson 1

Submitted by Karol on Wed, 02/28/2018 - 17:26

Clienting, to put it in a short and snappy way, is an idea of ​​creating profitable and long-lasting business relationships. It’s true that the philosophy of this business model is a lengthy topic of the river, but it is well reflected by the slogan: think like your customers, do not sell, but make them buy.

5 ready to use tools to build your fitness brand

Submitted by Karol on Wed, 02/28/2018 - 17:15

Regardless of whether you want to promote outa brand of a fitness club, training studio, or want to build recognition of your personal brand, personal trainer, these tools will come handy for creating and maintaining a strong, distinguishable and trustworthy brand. There is no time to waste, let’s start!

Brand image analysis

Answering these three questions will help you determine where you are, where you want to be and how you should strive for it.

Do You need a budget to run a fitness club?

Submitted by Karol on Sun, 02/04/2018 - 18:11

In order to give a clear cut answer towards this question, we need to take the first step and ask ourselves: what is a budget? If we keep it simple, a budget is nothing more than a cash flow in and cash flow out, so  in other words a balance sheet with planned profits and costs. This super simple description really gives a correct response to the title question. Why? Well, it has the key word: planned. Is this true for every fitness club? When opening every new business we start from preparing a business plan where we put in details all forecasted financial data.

Building the brand with PR

Submitted by Karol on Sun, 02/04/2018 - 18:08

What exactly is public relations? Does a fitness club need PR? Who should lead all communication activities with the brand's environment? How can we differentiate PR from marketing? And how to use it while managing a fitness club?