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Come check out the newest features from Perfect Gym's software platform and learn how they can benefit your fitness or health club.



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New features | Fitness Club Tips & Articles
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Come check out the newest features from Perfect Gym's software platform and learn how they can benefit your fitness or health club.

Increasing Fitness Club Retention with Automation

Submitted by Adam on Mon, 05/14/2018 - 14:31

Automation is quickly becoming a must-have in today's digital world. 

Anytime you book a flight, make a payment, or create an account online, you’re given an automated response via email, text, or push notification to confirm the action you’ve taken.

These types of automated responses are more for client satisfaction and streamlining the needed communication flow between client and vendor. They keep it fairly simple.

However, when using automation for retention, these campaigns take on a far more complex nature in that they have to be:

Why Your Fitness Club Needs A CRM

Submitted by Natalia on Mon, 01/15/2018 - 22:05


You probably know how this customer journey goes: a prospect walks into your fitness club, grabs a guest pass, works out for an hour, leaves and never comes back. 

The first question you may want to ask is: why didn’t they come back? 

But the real first question you should be asking is: did anyone follow up with this prospect?

New year, better Perfect Gym!

Submitted by Natalia on Wed, 01/03/2018 - 21:13

PerfectGym supports more than 1000 clients from 40 different countries in the world. The number is still rising and so is our offer. Having the unique advantage of international know-how, we use it to improve PerfectGym and deliver new features for all your upcoming challenges.

What's new in PerfectGym?

Cryotherapy – a new hype service

Submitted by Karol on Wed, 12/20/2017 - 17:53

The best athletes in the world use cryotherapy to train more intensively and to regenerate faster. Cold treatment is the method which has been well known for many years. Everyone knows that if you seek a relief from pain, reduce an inflammation or muscle fatigue, one should treat the body or the area of pain with something cool. What does cryotherapy do? It simply cools the place with the temperature minus 140 degrees. By creating a cryogenic shock the body heals and regenerates joints or muscles faster.

Perfect Gym to be the first to apply AI in gym management software

Submitted by Natalia on Wed, 12/06/2017 - 16:45

AI. Business Intelligence. Machine Learning. These are the words we hear more and more. The need to transform data into information and information into knowledge has never been more exciting. The future of our business becomes more predictable thanks to technology-driven processes for analyzing data and presenting actionable information to help executives, managers and other corporate. AI (Artificial Intelligence) is a computer science that emphasizes the creation of intelligent machines that work and react like humans.

5 steps towards effective personal training goals setting

Submitted by Karol on Tue, 11/07/2017 - 13:42

Each personal trainer should start working with his/her client from determining precisely his client’s needs and, therefore, training goals. This seems obvious and simple. Part of your staff may think: it is not difficult, just ask what training target our customer has. Is this reality? The experience around many health clubs  shows something quite different. Many people have hard times with setting the precise goal and having such a goal is like being half way to the training result.

Core stability – learn more about this trending up concept

Submitted by Karol on Mon, 10/30/2017 - 18:16

Lately I read a lot about core stability training. More and more voices appear that this is the most important type of training, that this should always be a start with the gym adventure. I am the last one to put upfront any type of fitness activity and name it as the fitness king but as I have learned over this short course of time – it would make a lot of sense for many gym freshmen to start firstwith core stability training.

3 key factors to increase your customers’ motivation

Submitted by Karol on Mon, 10/30/2017 - 17:54

Customer’s motivation –the topic that keeps gym owners, managers, personal trainers and group instructors awake at night. How do you make your members "want to" workout? And it's not that they want to "just" work out. The point is that they NEED to want to exercise regularly, all year long, at this particular club, with this particular coach and to pay for it adequate money.

3 reasons why you should not mix cross fit with circuit training

Submitted by Karol on Fri, 10/20/2017 - 18:55

Everyone gets ready, we are going to a have fight here. I am more than sure! This is a topic that comes across often during workshops, industry discussions or the opinion sharing. Cross fit has become a very popular sports activity, which awakens mixed emotions all around. You can freely say that cross fit exercises have as many diehard fans as opponents. However, anyone who had the opportunity to be more interested in a subject and has bit broader knowledge could see that at first sight exercises of this type look very much like those offered by classic circuit training.

4 types of training you can offer to indoor cycling fans

Submitted by Karol on Tue, 09/19/2017 - 17:43

If you are one of those people who consider indoor cycling as a mundane, repetitive, mindless workout with head-banging music and flashy lights, I have to disappoint you in a way. There is a lot of technique and real knowledge about anatomy involved and you will be surprised how actually we can subdivide spinning group classes. This know-how is crucial for the trainer and you as the gym owner or manager, as after some point every class attendee will ask himself – what do I want from those classes? What more can I get from it? What do I want to achieve?