
Improve your health club's business performance with tips, articles, and first-hand experiences from fitness industry professionals around the globe. dev.



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Improve your health club's business performance with tips, articles, and first-hand experiences from fitness industry professionals around the globe. dev

Why Fitness Enterprises Need Data Warehousing

Submitted by Kirsty on Tue, 08/06/2019 - 17:14

In this new millennia, society is being bombarded by technological and digital revolutions, which are changing the way people think, live and behave. In response, businesses have to work hard to digitally transform themselves in a bid to better understand and serve their consumers' priorities. The changes are numerous and the trends varied. 

How Club Management Software Can Streamline Gym Operations

Submitted by Kirsty on Mon, 08/05/2019 - 20:46

The consumer desire for enhanced fitness experiences and convenience has never been stronger and this will continue to grow. As a result, club managers are finding it difficult to juggle consumer trends while simultaneously operating their business. 

To solve this dilemma, fitness managers need to focus on reducing their responsibilities, as well as simplifying many inefficient processes or workarounds within their club. The highly competitive marketplace demands hyperconnectivity at all times to deliver streamlined club operations. 

The Importance of Disruptive Payment Providers for Gyms

Submitted by Kirsty on Tue, 07/23/2019 - 19:06

Payments in any industry or sector are the core of what makes a business run. It’s obvious. Fitness club managers cannot maintain the upkeep, management or growth of their gyms unless their revenue comes in smoothly and on time. For members, paying membership fees are a necessary evil; one they would rather not have to engage with every month.  

Tactics for Increasing Swim Student Motivation

Submitted by Kirsty on Tue, 07/16/2019 - 18:15

Learning how to swim is an essential part of growing up. But that doesn’t make it easy to do. Like any life skill, swimming takes repetition, practice, dedication, and motivation to become second nature. And like any life skill, it can be infinitely draining too. Lack of swim motivation is one of the biggest driving factors behind why students quit their swimming lessons. 

How Global Payment Innovation is Driving Fitness Enterprise Growth

Submitted by Kirsty on Mon, 07/15/2019 - 19:32

Global gyms need a centralized system to survive in the fitness marketplace of today. The industry, as a whole, is booming. In 2018, health club membership topped 183 million users around the globe, fitness industry revenue totaled an estimated $94 billion in 2018, and the club count exceeded 210,000 facilities. Fitness solutions are everywhere. Which makes it a prime time for global gym brands to monopolize.

The Essentials of Swimming Lesson Plans

Submitted by Kirsty on Tue, 07/02/2019 - 18:57

As a swim school teacher, your schedule can sometimes look pretty hectic. Along with teaching swimming lessons, you also supervise children, herd classes from the locker room to pool, deal with the concerns of worried parents and motivate and soothe the fears of your students.

It can be tempting to skip proper swimming lesson planning and focus solely on conducting lessons, but doing so will only make your life harder as a swim school instructor and hinder the development of your students in the long term.

Trendy Fitness Activities For Leisure Facilities

Submitted by Kirsty on Thu, 06/27/2019 - 16:22

Leisure centers are attractive for members due to their vast offering of wellness resources. However, nowadays customers are looking for convenient means to become healthier.

As mobile solutions, such as to-your-door massage therapists, home-visit personal trainers, and subscription-delivered fit lunchboxes begin to gain popularity, people don’t have to leave the comfort of their homes to work on their wellness. 

How to Grow your Fitness Club's Brand on Instagram

Submitted by Kirsty on Mon, 04/01/2019 - 19:01

#fitness. How many times do you think that hashtag has been used on Instagram? A million? 50 million? A 100 million? The actual number would be more in the area of over 331 million.

For that number we can thank the social media influencer. No doubt, fitness influencers are a force to be reckoned with on Instagram.

With their millions of loyal followers and getting paid thousands of dollars for sponsored posts, the hype they have encapsulated around wellness has transformed Instagram into a paradise for effective fitness club marketing.

A Complete Guide to Gym Point of Sale Software

Submitted by Kirsty on Tue, 03/26/2019 - 16:23

There are many facets to running a fitness club; processes, customer care, finances, and equipment maintenance are just some of those. Club owners need to spin a lot of plates at once to make a gym work. And if one plate falls and smashes it can sometimes spell disaster for the whole show. 

Yes, fitness club management is tough.

But there is one secret weapon most clubs aren’t utilizing for their business: An advanced Point of Sale (POS) system.